Bookable Sessions

Exclusive and focused astro-coaching to follow your life path and find clarity.

Based on your birth chart you learn about your life task – why am I here? – in only 3 sessions!

Your focus theme shows up and not only that (!) – You will get advice how you can solve issues, blockages and relationship problems without taking courses, long lasting therapy sessions or other exhausting activities. It will all be self-explanatory in only 3 sessions with me!

Why I am the “Go-To” person for you?

  In my different roles as student, event manager, teacher, scientist, publisher, public speaker, consultant and mother, I always operated self-organized which demands a high level of self-discipline and responsibility. That is combined with my constant curiosity to learn new things and explore new territories. This brought me to my spiritual growth!

With all of my experience, analytical and personal skills I am eager to give back through astrology to my clients what I discovered as essential in life – compassion, courage and self-awareness.

These 3 pillars are building the foundation for our personal growth. Learning how the energies of the cosmos influence our lives brings us closer to our life´s purpose, navigate to our true self and into our full potential.

Join me in lifting the treasure inside of you that will guide you to a better life with true purpose and focus. I do clear readings of your birth chart with proven rationale and methodology about your focus constellations and the solution. On top of that you gain clarity about your life task in a profound lunar node analysis. You learn about your blockages, challenges and vulnerable sides with valuable clues for orientation that enables you to walk on your highest path. So, do not expect stereotypes, but individual, highly effective solutions you can follow after the sessions without any other help.

What you can expect from working with me!

Bookable Sessions

Astro Coaching 1 session

1 hour  – face2face, Zoom or call about this topic:

180 € (including a detailed report)

Final price, no VAT. according to § 19 UStG

Astro Coaching 2 sessions

2 hours – face2face, Zoom or call about these 2 topics:

340 € (including a detailed reports)

Astro Coaching 3 sessions

3 hours – face2face, Zoom or call about these 3 topics:

480 € (including detailed reports)

Astro Coaching 4 sessions

4 hours – face2face, Zoom or call about these topics:

550 € (including detailed reports)


 More in store for you!

Guided Meditation (30 min. max. for 25 €)

For this guided meditation you do not need any preparation. Just go with the flow of the moment and release all stress and anxiety!

Final price, no VAT. according to § 19 UStG

Card reading

Want to have a look into your future with me?

Book a personal card reading based on your question (e.g. relationships, decision, work related, general energies) –

meet me face2face, Zoom or in a call; you can choose from 4 decks:

Each reading starts from 25 € (depending on your question and length of the reading)
Final price, no VAT. according to § 19 UStG

personal astrological calendar

Here you get your exclusive and innovative personal astrological calendar with the temporary cosmic energies in play – accompanied by short insights and explanations to be prepared and supported for the time qualities throughout the year.

You can easily order by email providing your birth dates. 

35,00 €

Final price, no VAT. according to § 19 UStG

Develop your full potential

Astrology E-Book