Anarchic energies in February ♒🤨😮!!!
As we are heading into the Aquarius season, the cosmic sky is showing a planetary concentration in the 5 subsequent Zodiac signs, which are Capricorn with Venus & Mars, Aquarius with Pluto, Mercury & Sun, Pisces with Saturn & Neptune, Aries with Chiron & NN and finally Taurus with Jupiter & Uranus. Only Lilith is lying as an outsider (!) opposite in Virgo.
This results in a one-sided chart, where only 5 and later on 4 signs, because Capricorn will be deserted soon, are occupied with planets, whereas the other 7 are empty.
What does this expose? Well, the connections between the planets are limited to conjunctions sitting on top of each other, semi-sextiles sitting in the neighbour sign, sextiles placed with one sign between them and squares with two signs between each other.
In other words: We will have no oppositions or trines this month. Of course, the moon will make an exception as moving quickly through the Zodiac and casting different aspects on its tour.
Let’s have a closer look!
On the 9th we will have a new moon in Aquarius shortly before midnight CET
At this New Moon, both luminaries are squaring Uranus in Taurus.
This New Moon talks about the Aquarius energy multiple times as Uranus is the ruler of this sign and directly connected at the New Moon in Aquarius. Confusing? Well, this will be the energy. that influences our brain and actions thereafter. No steady-go-for-it anymore, but our thinking and communicating can become hectic and driven by a certain nervousness.
Astrological explanation:
The luminaries were what traditional astrologers called the two astrological “planets” which were the brightest and most important objects in the heavens, that is, the Sun and the Moon. Luminary means, source of light. The Sun and Moon, being the most abundant sources of light to the inhabitants of Earth are known as luminaries. The astrological significance warrants the classification of the Sun and Moon separately from the planets, in that the Sun and Moon have to do with our spiritual consciousness, while the planetary influences operate through the physical mechanism. Some early, Pre-Newtonian astronomers to observe and study luminaries include Pythagoras, Aristotle, Claudius, al-Khwarizmi, Nicolaus Copernicus, Tycho Brahe, Galileo Galilei and Johannes Kepler.
Further on this New Moon, Mercury in Aquarius square Jupiter in Taurus. More confusing? It may feel so, as our mind is irritated about making sense of the fast shifting realities with Pluto just leaving the very grounded Capricorn and now starting in anarchic Aquarius. This is vast and shocking for most of us as we do not like breakups and changes that will occur. The difficulty lies in being flexible for adapting to the changed environment, that may feel too fast and overwhelming.
Saturn sextile to Mars, who is in its last degrees of Capricorn in conjunction with Pluto, tries to stabilize a bit. But this does not help much as Saturn travels in the open sea of Pisces and Pluto will press for transforming our will-power. We have to face the ultimate change of the world, where old rules and patterns are outdated and not giving us stability.
There are also multiple semi-sextiles in play: Venus to the Sun/Moon, Mercury to Saturn, Chiron to Uranus – just to name them. These give us an overall feeling of not getting the message while experiencing something “unpredictable”.
Astrological explanation:
What is called a semi-sextile ? In an astrological chart, an aspect of two planets, which are in a 30° angle is a semi-sextile, because it counts exactly half degrees of the 60° sextile aspect. The two planets (or luminary) are in the neighbouring sign. This means, they are in complete different energies – i.e. not the same element, modality and quality. Astrologers interpret it as a natural succession, the neighbour that speaks a different language or “something unpredictable but in the end it’s right”.
To finish with this very stressing New Moon, we have to talk about this quincunx between Chiron/NN in Aries conjunct and Lilith in Virgo. This is interesting, because it really speaks about the outsider, which is per se the deep female instinct of the Black Moon ‘Lilith’. This quincunx will stay the whole month as a standing aspect in the sky. It is like a warning for us. We need to face our wound in expressing ourselves in groups and circles with an uprightness and more radically, although it feels inconvenient and can hurt.
Astrological explanation:
What is meant by a quincunx? A quincunx (or inconjunct) is an aspect of 150°. It combines planets (or luminary), that are located almost opposite each other, but not exactly. The exact opposition would be 180°. So, the two are meeting in different signs, where the elements, modalities and qualities are contrary. It means, they just do not fit well together. This can leave us feeling frustrated, because our hidden talents and gifts are not merging in a creative way. But we are forced to make things work anyway. Alchemy and transformation are also part of this kind of energy.
If this sounds not crazy enough, let’s move on.
On the 19th the sun ingresses into the sign of Pisces
Will this feel as a release of the previous energies? Not at all, because Venus/Mars are now joined in Aquarius and that means, they are altogether conjunct to Pluto. We can hardly find more intense energies in a personal chart, oh dear! This is even more illuminated by the looks of it with a challenging square aspect to Jupiter.
Expressed exaggeratedly: The rebellious emotions of a wild-going water bearer mind goes off a great way. It can be felt as a completely new experience in love and play at the same time – but with ugly consequences😯😯😯😮😮😮. Think of cyber sex or other odd fantasy explorations 😎😵🤫👹.
The good news is: The sextile of Jupiter and Saturn is still very active since the last new moon in January. This can result in an attempt to stabilize and catch ground in our new odd reality with AI and fake news.
The Pisces sun builds a trigon to the moon in Cancer. That is a peaceful aspect, but a quincunx of the moon to the Mars/Venus conjunction sends strong emotions, that are not all pleasant and welcome – especially with intense Pluto in the mix 🤨😮.
On the 24th a Full Moon in Virgo is happening at 1.30 pm CET
With the sun in peaceful Pisces it is a real game changer as she is shining between Saturn and Mercury. This is called a 3-sign-stellium in opposition to this full moon in Virgo.
Merging the energies of our core identity (sun), our mind-set (Mercury) and the big stabilizer (Saturn) gives reasons to expect a little more clarity heading towards the end of February. The Virgo moon likes analysis and sobriety in a very practical sense – which can and will resist all disturbing or confusing energies. We can finally focus on our daily life and what to do next a bit better.
Astrological explanation:
What is a stellium? If more than 2 planets (or luminaries) are located in one sign, astrologers will call this a stellium. It means, the planetary energies are intertwined – even more when they are conjunct (meaning: being at a very close degree to each other).