So I am a woman in my 50ies with family of two sons and married for nearly 25 years.
In my life I always tried very hard and decisive to follow my personal path; although I found out that this path wasn’t as straight as I thought it to be! It turns out that there happen changes of endings and new beginnings in certain circles and periods, for which I need to adjust and adapt in a very flexible manner for surviving these (sudden) changes.
I have received help all of my life to cope with this as people crossed my way in the right time and circumstances, who help me seeing new perspectives and challenges as well as opportunities in every turn. For that I am very thankful and grateful!!!
However, I have to admit despite the luck of broaden my knowledge and horizon constantly, there has been this little voice in my head, telling me that I should get out of trouble and avoid a risk of being misunderstood. This voice holds me back from speaking up and saying my truth but leaves me often silent for the sake of harmony or being ‘everybody’s darling’. Now as I am getting older this voice becomes less and less powerful. I start to trust more and more in my own beliefs and intuition. Of course that doesn’t happen just like that! Some misfortune, frustration, mischief and times of self doubts force me getting in touch with my inner self and learn to know who I am. So I have started to face my true self – and guess what? – I like what I see…even and mostly being a human who is imperfect, acts with emotions and sudden movements, weird decisions or talking.
The most important gain is my inner freedom and strength in finding my true self …no fake or false in this at all. Change is happening inside and never comes from outside… So I do not waste my time expecting this from anybody else or a different situation!
If you want change be the change!!!
Love and light Sabine
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