We have reached the mystical Scorpio season with all the secrets and shadows we see in nature by going deeper into the autumn vibes!
Here is your energy update with the planets aligned in the cosmos
28 of October at 22.24 CET – Full Moon in Taurus with a Moon eclipse
It means that Moon & Sun are exactly opposite in the Taurus/Scorpio fixed axis; – with a partial eclipse it happens near the moon nodes axis (actually transiting through Aries/Libra). This intense eclipse in Scorpio darkens the Moon completely. It will touch our deepest soul! Being in the eclipse season we will experience a longer impact on what comes up at this Full Moon.
Regions seeing, at least, some parts of the eclipse: Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa, North America, Much of South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Arctic, Antarctica.
We may ask ourselves: Who can we trust? What truth is inside of us that wants to see the light? These are no light questions at all. We meet our shadows – in ourselves or in others.
Being authentic in all relationships is the key to transform what is no longer valued and needs to go. Also some shadow work is favored now; not easy, but so releasing when the burdens or not reciprocated attempts to participate in someone’s life is seen with clarity and honesty.
Jupiter, opposite the Mars/Mercury conjunction in Scorpio, enables us to communicate and understand straight and upright. Jupiter is our energy to see and understand the overall sense in our social life. In earth sign Taurus, it highlights our reality and contacts we entertain. We want to discover the deep truth in a situation – at any costs and without compromises. This can result in open conversations – or the opposite – in breaking up with people. who lack to resonate with our highest goals.
As said, this can be a longer process, that lasts 6 months or more, but definitely starts on this Full Moon eclipse. People with sun sign close to 24° in Aries/Libra axis or near 5° Scorpio/Taurus axis or with planets in these signs degrees, will feel this more intensely. If you don’t know your birth chart, give me a note and I will look it up for you!
On the 5th November Saturn is coming out of its retrograde, where he traveled from 18th June!!! That is good news, although at 0° in Pisces, means, that he is now preparing to go the whole way through this sign in forward direction. Consequently, we will have Saturn in Pisces until May 2025. What does this mean for us? The stabilizer and ruler of time is not happy in fluid and flexibel water signs. You can imagine he has problems to build structure in water – especially in the ocean (Pisces), where no river banks are guiding the water.
However, we all will try to give shape to our life and ideas with a different approach like bending the rules a bit or getting around obstacles and not confronting the problems too harshly. Flexible water and air signs (Pisces & Gemini) doing this more effortless than fixed earth and fire signs (Taurus & Leo). In the first degrees of Pisces, Saturn feels this new fresh energy, where he was already twice (on his first ingress in Pisces from mid March to mid June and in retrograde from mid June up to now). Over time, we will be able to feel the water and get more comfortable for making progress even on a shapeless and hidden path. Depending on where Saturn in Pisces is located in your chart, you have different themes, where you make these experiences.
Some words about the Moon nodes. They build an axis between North and South node and are no real planets but a calculated line, where earth and moon cross each other in the ecliptic around the sun (see Picture).

These nodes also travel around the Zodiac – most times in retrograde (means clockwise). The so-called “dragon points” with the North node being called the head (at the bottom of the picture) and the South node being the tail (on top of the picture), this axis foretells about our fate or kamma. It can be interpreted as an opportunity to take our destiny in our own hands. Some times this can be done very concrete or as a correction of our own attitudes to life.
The nodes entered the Aries/Libra signs axis in mid July 2023 and will travel in these signs until January 2025. What does this mean? Well, as Aries/Libra talks about relationships, we have a common theme throughout this year and ongoing in 2024. The eclipses next year will highlight this topic even more.
13 of November at 10.27 CET – New Moon in Scorpio